<漫溢明媚《璨光》 悠遊幸福靜美

July 08, 2021

設想輕緩無壓的居家辦公環境,艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 以使用者的訴求作為規劃前提,飄逸溫馨感的場域中,適當配置寬敞的處所,輕巧做出區分用途的空間,營造出幸福滿溢的生活感,使得在專注工作之餘,仍能享受家宅一般的安閒氣氛,在複合風格和材質的選配下,沉浸一室靜美。

Amy Studio design director Amy Hsu base on the demands of the users as the premise to plan a bright and pressure-free home-office environment. Appropriately configure the spacious, elegant, and cozy circumstance; furthermore, ingeniously exploit various elements and features to zoning the layout for different purposes. Abiding by the design concept, excellently bring about brilliant homey ambiance for enjoying unwinds leisure time while hard working.

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